sábado, 31 de julio de 2010

El precio que hay que pagar

Have you ever thought about what it would mean to be a saint yourself?" I may have asked. I remember distinctly the reaction to this Enoch-like question I was always prone to ask. It was a surprise. Flannery suddendly smiled, her round face and blue eyes lit up. "Oh, yes," she laughed, "and the price to pay."
Más o menos debí de preguntar: "Has pensado alguna vez lo que supondría para ti ser tú santa?". Recuerdo perfectamente la reacción a mi pregunta, una de esas al modo de Enoch que yo siempre estaba dispuesto a hacer. Fue una sorpresa. De repente Flannery sonrió, su cara redonda y sus ojos azules brillando. "Sí", se rió, "y el precio que hay que pagar".

Enoch es Enoch Emery, un personaje de Sangre Sabia.
Y esto lo cuenta W. A. Sessions en "Real Presence: Flannery O'Connor and the Saints", en J. H. McMullen, J. P. Peede (eds.), Inside the Church of Flannery O'Connor. Sacrament, Sacramental and the Sacred in Her Fiction, Macon, 2007, p. 17-40

martes, 20 de julio de 2010


En este blog, de Leslie Pietrzyk, hablan del último número de Shenandoah, dedicado a FOC: muy buena pinta tiene.
Recoge unas frases del editor, R. T. Smith, que me han gustado:

So O’Connor attracts the eccentric, the hungry, the resourceful, the disciplined, the astute, all stripes, all flavors. She wrote that her subject was ‘the action of grace in territory held largely by the Devil,’ and we are drawn there to watch him cut up and do his worst, and to watch him lose. O’Connor’s sharply etched narratives with their dark humor, pithy dialogue, desperate situations and questing principals exert a magnetic pull.

Y a ver si llega pronto a esta Biblioteca, que están suscritos.